Sunday, July 31, 2011

Four Practical steps to Improve your Health

Americans are becoming an increasingly more health conscious society with more of us getting up off the couch and becoming more active with games such as the Wi, walking, running and going to the gym.  More and more of us are finding that quality of life can really be improved by taking some simple, easy steps. Plus, taking charge of their health gives a feeling of empowerment and this also can help with depression.  All this can be done without the use of prescriptions 

This article will look at four such steps to improve overall health.

Pump down the volume

Did you know that chronic noise pollution of 70 decibels-about the sound of normal street traffic-can raise your heart rate, blood pressure, stress level and risk of heart attack and stroke?  Surprisingly, in a Finnish study, it was found that 80% of women who suffered heart attacks described themselves as being sensitive to noise.  So, it makes sense to try to tone the noise down-where possible.
Take steps such as wearing earplugs or keeping the windows closed to help eliminate some of the sounds.

Take care of your teeth

Bacteria in the mouth such as P.gingivalis can grow in the mouth and can blood vessel damage and clots.  To lessen the likelihood of such bacteria brush at least twice a day, floss daily and eat a carrot after meals which helps eliminate plaque.

Don't take calcium alone

A recent  study (2010) discovered that taking calcium alone can promote calcification of the arteries and increase the risk of heart attack.

Instead, take up to 600 milligrams of calcium along with magnesium 400 milligrams and vitamin D 1,000 IU  for cardiovascular health.

Avoid BPA

BPA is awidely used compound used in food and beverage containers. Study results have shown that this chemical increases the chance of heart disease because they short circuit the cells in the heart which can lead to dangerous arrythmias.

Avoid plastic containers in the microwave and avoid #7 plastics.


Oz, Mehmet, "Keys to a Healthy Heart" "O" Magazine

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Vitamin K and your Health

We all know how important vitamins and nutrients are to our health.  Familiar vitamins such as A, C, E, D and  the spectrum of B vitamins have long been known to play a part in helping maintain optimal body function and health. Scientists also now know that many chronic diseases that plague many may come about as a result of deficiencies of these vital substances.

Of late, there has been research into other vitamins that are also important in helping us to maintain health and vitality.  One such nutrient is vitamin K. 

 Let's learn about the role this vitamin plays in health.

Vitamin K

The "K" in vitamin K comes from Kongulation.  It received this name in the 1930s when European researchers found that this substance was needed for blood to clot properly.

Today, scientists have discovered that the term "vitamin K" actually referes to a family of chemically related molecules. There are three types: Vitamin K1, plant based; K2, bacteria based and Ksynthetically produced .  All types of vitamin K fall into chemical categories of substances called naphtoquinones.  Wtihin this type are two categories:

1. Phylloquinones - Plant based.
2. Menaquinones - Made by bacteria.  The bacteria in our intestines make this form of vitamin K

Most forms of vitamin K that humans take in are plant plased (phylloquinone).  This form of vitamin K is found in a number of foods, especially green leafy veggies such as kale and parsley.

Disease prevention

Researchers now believe that vitamin K provides circulatory benefits beyond clotting response. Inadequate vitamin K levels may make varicose vein development more likely. 

 Vitamin K has shown an ability to protect against diabetes in older men by reducing insulin resistance.  High doses of the vitamin have also been shown to reverse arterial calcification in rats.Other benefits include:

-Protection against liver and prostate cancer.
-Prevent menopausal bone loss.
-Prevention of calcification of arteries
-Prevention of bone fractures

Bone Health

Vitamin K is needed for the creation of proteins that help keep calcium in the bone.  This is essential in the fight against fractures associated with osteoporosis.

Japanese researchers have found that vitamin K supplements strengthened the top of the thighbone-where fractures are most likely to occur in the elderly.

Cooking and daily intake recommendations

Vitamin K is available in bone-support supplements along with calcium, magnesium and vitamin D.

Good food sources of vitamin K include: spinach, brussel sprouts, swiss chard, green beans, peas, asparagus, broccoli and carrots.

Vitamin K is said to be a resilient nutrient and is fairly resitant to loss through cooking and freezing.  Of course, to obtain the most nutrients in foods, cook as little as possible, or serve raw for optimal nutrition.  Also, don't allow the food to sit around since nutrients are lost through aging fruits and vegetables.


James, Lis "The Forgotten Nutrient" "Energy Times"

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Natural Foods that battle Inflammation

omega 3 fatty acidsImage by malloreigh via FlickrSprained ankle, root canal, sports activity, what do you reach for? Advil, Naproxen or Ibuprofen?  That's what many of us do, even though they have the ability to cause other serious problems such as gastric ulcers, upset stomachs and bleeding.

What natural options exist that cut down the swelling and pain of an injury?  Lo and behold, several nutrients can safely battle pain and discomfort without the worries of serious gastrointestinal issues.

This post will examine some of the natural foods that can do the trick.


Bromelain is  an enzyme found in the fruit and stem of the pineapple, which has been found to reduce swelling, bruising and pain.  It does the job best when taken on an empty stomach.  The recommended amount is 500 milligrams in divided doses four time a day.  Just make sure that you advise your PMD that you will be taking alternative anti-inflammatories as this can increase absorption of medications such as antibiotics.


This is another powerful anti-inflammatory.  Curcuminoids are the natural ingredients that helps inflammation so, look for curcumin supplements that are high in them. According to Mary Shackelton, MPH, ND, a practicing naturopath in Boulder, Colorado, in the article "Eating to Heal," " There should be a 70% improvement in swelling and pain within 48 hours, depending on the injury."

Omega-3 fatty acids

Salmon is a great and tasteful anti-inflammatory.  This is because it is high in omega-3 fatty acids.  Omega-3s can be found in fatty fish such as salmon, tuna and mackerel as well as in dark leafy greens, flax seed and certain vegetable oils.

Other helpful nutrients

Make sure you get enough zinc and vitamin D which are both very, about 220 mg of zinc.  If you don't want to take a supplement, just increase the food intake of zinc.  Foods such as oysters (highest amount), red meat and chicken are starters.  Vitamin D is found is mackerel, tuna,  salmon and fish. Also, get plenty of sunshine.

Cut down on a high meta diet as this can contribute to the inflammatory process.

When cooking replace the pro-inflammatory omega-6 vegetable oils such as peanut oil and replace with flax seed oil.  Limit alcohol, sugar, white flour and caffeine which also contribute to inflammation.

Lean proteins are okay when healing from an injury but don't overdo since too much protein can also exacerbate the problems associated with inflammation.

If you have cartilage or ligament damage Dr. Amy Day, ND of San Francisco, in the  "Eating to Heal" article, " Use the bones fro a chicken and simmer it for eight hours to pull out the nutrients."

Sounds like good old tried and true remedies.  Get well soon!


"Eating to Heal"  Linda Malone, "Energy Times" Magazine

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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Choline and anxiety disorders

Many people suffer from anxiety and other psychological disorders that seem to defy treatment.    According to the Anxiety Disorders Association of America,  40 million adults in the US suffer from anxiety disorders, which include generalized anxiety, panic attacks,  and post-traumatic stress syndrome.

Researchers have found that low levels of choline, a B vitamin, have been linked to increased rates of anxiety.

 Choline is a nutrient in the B vitamin family which has been shown to be quite important. Choline plays a role in the transport of fats and fat metabolism.  Choline is also good for the brain.  It has been established that choline is necessary for optimal cognigitive function.  It is also a basic nutrient needed in the production of acetylcholine, a neruotransmitter and important in nerve function.

Norwegian scientists looked at the health records of nearly six thousand men and women who feel into two age groups, 46 to 49 and 7- to 74.  The particvipants' blood choline levels were noted and checked for associated levels of anxiety and depression.  The lowest choline levels were found to be associated with the highest anxiety levels. 

In summary

The findings are very interesting.  It might  be worthile to take a nutritional approach in the treatment of anxiety in stead of a purely drug approach.  By addressing the nutritional deficiencies, it might even be possible to reduce the amount of medication needed to treat anxiety.


"Choline linked with lower Anxiety Levels" Energy Times

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Four natural tips for better Health

Apples are an all-American success story-each ...Image via WikipediaI am so happy to read and share information that involves self-help and doesn't include taking a lot of drugs and artificial things.  So, when I came across this information as to foods that are health promoting, I thought that it would be really great to share it here on the blog.

Following is a list of four natural health tips that you can do for yourself without a doctor's prescription or without worries of medication side effects.

Vitamin E

A Harvard University study found that people who had taken vitamin E supplements regularly for at least five years had a one-third less chance that nonusers to develop amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or Lou Gehrig's disease.

An apple a day

Studies have shown that eating apples might help you live longer.  Researchers at  Chinese University in Hong Kong discovered that apple polyphenols, strong antioxidants, lowered levels of proteins in fruit flies that are markers of debility and death.

In human studies, it was found that women who ate apples reduced their rate of heart disease by up to 22 percent.

Good news for one of God's simple gifts.

Whole grains and Men's Health

A new study presented at an American Heart Association conference showed that guys who ate whole-grain breakfast cereal reduced their risk of high blood pressure by 20 percent.

Another reason to eat fish

Eating fish is a great way to cut the risk of age-related macular degeneration.   (Sigh is high in omega-3 fatty acids).

People who  ate oily fish such as canned tuna or mackerel once a week were 44 percent less likely to develop the condition.


"Good Medicine News and ideas for a Healthy Mind, body and Spirit" Ebony Magazine

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Statin drugs and diabetes

Testing the blood glucose level yourselfImage via Wikipedia
I can't tell you how many times I've triaged patients in the ED and have had to add one or more pages of medications to this already comprehensive form.  Sadly, many times subsequent medical complaints and illness come as a result of a combination of medications that patients are already taking. Cholesterol medications, diabetes and  blood pressure medications top the list of commonly prescribed medications that can cause severe side effects.

I just finished reading a very disturbing article about the association with statin drugs and hyperglycemia, or elevated blood sugar and diabetes.  This blog will summarize the findings regarding the incidence of hyperglycemia and statin use.

Statin drugs

The statin drugs are usually prescribed to lower blood cholesterol and prevent high cholesterol in high risk individuals.   Such drugs include: lipitor, zocor, Lescol, Mevacor, Pravachol and Crestor.  The statins work by blocking an enzyme in the liver which manufactures cholesterol.  This class of drugs is also used to prevent and treat existing high cholesterol in patients that already  have this disorder.

Diabetes and the Statins

Statins invoke diabetes through several different mechanisms.  The most significant is that they increase the insulin levels-which can be detrimental to the health.  While insulin is required to maintain blood glucose levels, elevated insulin causes chronic inflammation in the body. This is the start of chronic disease since inflammation causes a build up of free radicals in the body which weakens the body's defenses.

Chronic insulin elevation is also responsible for high blood pressure, heart attacks, chronic fatigue, thyroid disruption and disease such as Parkinson's Alzheimer's and cancer.  Further, statins increase your diabetes risk by raising your blood sugar.  When you eat a meal that contains starches and sugar, some of the excess sugar goes to the liver where it is stored away as cholesterol and triglycerides.  Statins work by preventing the liver from making cholesterol.  As a result the liver returns the sugar to the bloodstream which causes the blood sugar levels to rise.

Statins are detrimental in that they rob the body of valuable nutrients which also impact the blood sugar levels.  Two nutrients in particular are necesssary to maintain ideal blood glucose levels.  They are vitamin D and CoQ10, which are both important in ideal blood glucose levels.

In Summary

Discuss with your doctor your concerns and see if you are candidate for other treatment of elevated cholesterol such as through diet and exercise.  There are many, many natural substances that will reduce cholesterol such as oatmeal ad other high fiber foods.


"Diabetes and the Statins"

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Friday, July 22, 2011

Irradiation of Foods: what are the health risks?

the international RADURA-logoImage via WikipediaThe FDA has approved of irradiating of foods to destroy dangerous organisms in chicken, eggs, beef, pork, lamb flour, herbs, spices fruit and vegetables.  In contrast, Europe only permits irradiation only for dried herbs, spices and vegetable based seasonings.

Since the FDA allows irradiation much more liberally, questions arise as to the safety of the food and the potential negative impacts on human health.  This blogpost will examine these concerns.

What is Food Irradiation?

Food irradiation can eliminate disease causing microorganisms such as E. Coli 0157:H7, campylobacter and salmonella from foods. 

The FDA has approved this practice since 1963 with the irradiation of wheat flour.  In 1964 white potatoes were irradiated to prevent sprouting, and in 1986, pork was irradiated to eliminate Trichinosis.  The list continues to grow with many meats, fruits, spices, herbs vegetables being added.

How does irradiation work?

Radiation breaks down bonds in the DNA molecules causing defects in the genetic instructions. This causes the organism to eventually die.

What are the reasons for concern?

Critics warn that this process, which uses X rays, gamma rays,  or electron beams, reduces nutrients in the food.  It may also raise the level of carcinogens in the food.

Proponents state that there is no reason for concern and that many bacteria and microorganisms that could cause disease are eliminated.

Bottom line

The bottom line is that irradiated foods carry the above symbol. Each individual and family would want to weigh the risks and benefits and decide accordingly. 


Harrar, Sara "Banned in Europe, Okay here?" "O" Magazine

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Genetically modified foods:what are the health risks?

Detection of genetically modified organismsImage via WikipediaDid you know that approximately 70 percent of the processed foods on American supermarket shelves contain ingredients from genetically modified soy, corn, canola and cottonseed?  This means that foods such as a snack items, baked goods, tomato sauce and breakfast foods all contain genetically modified ingredients as well. With such use comes questions: what are the health risks? What are genetically modified foods?

This post will examine these questions.

What are genetically modified foods?

Genetically modified foods contain ingredients that are genetically engineered so that they are bug,  herbicide and disease resitant. In addition to the list of foods above, also included in this designation are crookneck squash, zucchini and Hawaiian papaya which are all sold in the United States.

According to Michael K. Hansen, PhD, senior scientist with the Consumers Union, a nonprofit independent testing and advocacy group for product safety based in New York, in the article "Banned in Europe, Okay Here?" "These crops are not required to go through a mandatory safety assessment before going on the market."  He further adds. "There are still serious questions about health consequences that can arise when you genetically engineer an organism, then eat it." Now, how good does that make you feel about the food your family consumes?

In Europe, if a food contains more than .9 percent genetically modified ingredient, it must be labeled as such.  In the US, no such mandate exists.

What are the health risks?

Unfortunately, there hasn't been a lot of research available to say for sure but an early example includes a research study from the 1990s when researchers inserted a then not known highly allergenic protein from Brazil nuts into soybeans.  Due to this subsequent discovery, the bean was discarded due to possible severe allergic reactions.

The bottom line appears to be to shop where the food is certified-organic.


Harrar, Sara, "Banned in Europe, Okay Here?" "O" Magazine
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