Friday, October 21, 2011

How to beat the Winter time Blues

Everyone recognizes that something happens to us as fall approaches with the accompanying shedding of the trees and days getting shorter by minute by minute.  For some, this is a time to retreat from life, as the seasons go through their cycles.  Human emotions are somehow inexplicably tied in to a larger picture.   Many become sad and depressed.  But, what can you do to help with this inevitable part of life?

Scientists say that as the days shorten, the lack of sunlight affects our internal clocks and melatonin levels, so that we become susceptible to depression and social withdrawl. So, with that in mind, being forewarned is forearmed. 

What steps can be taken to improve the mood?
It has been suggested that persons prone to this disorder plan for this by getting as much daytime sunlight as possible.  Try taking a walk early in the day. Plan a few outdoor activities  to get the benefit of sunlight, even though the days are shorter. You will also be getting additional vitamin D which is also essential in elevating the mood.

Many residents of Scandanavian countries have adapted rituals to help with regard to mood elevation.  One such practice is to use candles regularly, at meals, etc.  this helps to create a welcome environment which is bound to help elevate the mood.


Shinn, Lora, "Win over winter" Natural Health Magazine

Five Alternatives to Allopathic Health Care

As Americans continue to tire of increasingly serious medication side effects from prescription medications, many are turning to non-conventional approaches to treatment of disease and for overall healthcare and wellness.

This post will examine a few of the current approaches that many folks are focusing in on.


Interestingly, chiropractic wasn't discovered by a physician, but it did eventually evolve into a very respected form of non-drug treatment.  It's focus is on the spine and its function in overall health.  (Remember, the spine contains nerves traveling to all parts of our body).

In order to  maintain good health, the transmission of impulses must be unimpeded.  Due to stress unfortunately, many times subluxations or disruptions occur, that impedes the flow. This can be caused by  vertebral misalignment. A chiropractor will take a medical history, do a physical and order X-rays to see what is going on and will then manipulate or adjust the spine to bring everything back into alignment. 

I have used Chiropractic quite extensively in the past and found that it can be very effective.  Remember, the treatment is focused on the whole body so patients will be required to make adjustments in their diet and everyday living activities. Be prepared to go several times a week, though.


Homeopathy is based on the principle that like can treat like.  Herbs and other natural substances are diluted many thousands of times to treat diseases that can be induced by the taking of these natural substances.

I have tried this too.  It does take time for results to be seen.  Also, consider, hundreds of years ago our foreparents used these very same natural substances to treat disease.  Unfortunately, it can become quite expensive.

Integrative Medicine

These doctors bring together conventional, or allopathic treament, and alternative tratment.  The focus is on the individual and again, the treatment will rely on modifications in lifesylte, diet and exercise to cure disease.


These doctors, similar to Homeopaths, empahsize natural therapies that enables the body to restore and maintain good health.  These therapies may include homeopathy, acupuncture, herbal medicine and also lifestyle changes.

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Acupuncture and herbal medicine are primary means used by these practitioners to restore health  or chi or energy.  They feel that their may be imbalances in yin and yang, that cause disease. 

Treamtent through acupuncture involves placing needles along energy channels or pathways which triggers the body to release endorphins and incrase circulation enabling healing to take place.

I have tried this too.  Again, as with most of these treatments, improvements take time and persistence.  Just as illnesses take time to develop.


Wertheimer, Kate "Finding Drl Right" Natural Health Magazine

What can you do to prevent bedbugs?

I came across some really good information about natural means to prevent these troublesome creatures, especially since they seem to stay in the news.  With people moving about and migrating as they have been in recent years, it is bound to happen to even the best of us.

Here's what to do to prevent an outbreak.

Tighten up!

Seal up cracks in all possible hiding places such as cracks in baseboard molding, or around windows, etc. Keep your linens from touching the floor since this allows direct access to your bed and you. 

Another great piece of info is to lightly coat the legs of your bed with a thin coat of petroleum jelly.  This can stop the buggers for climbing.

If you do detect their presence, clean your mattress with soap and  hot water and buy a mattress and pillow covers to seal it all up  (Unless you want to buy a new mattress).This can kill anything that you didn't see. Check closets, shoes racks for further signs of their presence.  Wash clothes with very hot water.

When shopping

Inspect all bags coming into the house from clothing stores, particularly if you shop secondhand or if receiving hand-me-downs for the kids.

When traveling
When traveling, inspect the hotel bed and linen for signs of bedbugs. Shake out all items of clothes and check the corners of your luggage for any signs of the critters once you get home.


Barker, Elizabeth "Don't let the bedbugs bite" Natural Health Magazine

Heat or Ice for those Pains: Which is it?

Have you ever experienced a sprain and wondered what was better, heat or ice?  Well, here's some information to help you make that decision.

According to Orthopedic surgeon, Bradley Giannotti, M.D., in  Natural Health's article, "heat vs. ice," it basically depends on the injury itself.  Ice is better for injuries that happened fast, such as a sprained ankle or wrist, since it will minimize swelling and reduces pain. Remember the acronym R-rest, I-ice, C-compression, and E-elevation.

But, for back pain, tennis elbow and such injuries that develop over time, it is better to apply warmth.  Also, keep in mind that the treatments should last no more than 30 minutes at a time.


Barker, Elizabeth "heat vs. ice" Natural Health Magazine

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Managing ADHD without Drugs

Drugs sales for the treatment of ADHD has skyrocketed over the last two decades.  Approximately 13 percent of children's prescription dollars are spent on this class of medications. Add to this the fact that sometimes, through over zealous evaluation and diagnosis, many children are being incorrectly diagnosed resulting in their taking medications that they don't need as well as being exposed to potential negative outcomes of medication side effects. Such facts are raising the eyebrows of concerned medical and educational professionals.

 Granted, some children need the medication which, along with counselling, may help them manage difficult behaviors.  However, a growing number of health care practitioners are voicing concerns about current treatment protocols and recommending as adjunct treatment some simple steps that could help manage  the disorder  resulting in a possible reduction or discontinuing of medication.  (Of course, the medical professional should make this decision along with the input of parents, teachers and the child study team).

This post will examine several treatments options for managing this disorder.

Minimize food additives

Additives such as food colorings and artificial flavors may trigger behavioral changes in sensitive, as well as trigger allergic reactions. Studies have shown that children given drinks containing artificial dye showed significantly higher hyperactive behavior within a few hours.  Try giving water and more natural fruit juices.

Consider an elimination diet

There are many children and adults who are sensitive to products such as wheat, MSG, soy, corn, gluten and dairy.  Studies have revealed that when these food items were removed from the diet for a period of approximately six weeks, the behaviors lessened.   Then, as the food items were reintroduced, the behaviors began again. It may be necessary to play detective, but many interesting changes may come as a result.


It is a known fact that  excessive TV and video games causes a worsening of ADHD.  It is a good idea to recommend outdoor physical activity for your youngster.

Organic Shopping

Try to buy produce in whole supermarkets. Hopefully this will eliminate some of the harmful chemicals and pesticides often found in conventional supermarkets.  Again, through studies, children who were found to have more pesticide residue found in the urine, were more likely to be diagosed with ADHD.

Iron Levels

Studies have shown that children diagnosed with ADHD were more likely to have lower iron levels.  Once supplementation was begun, the symptoms greatly improved to the point of adjusting or discontinuing medications.

Ask your doc to check serum iron and ferritin levels.


Marshall, Lisa, Natural Approacfhes to ADHD"

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Vitamin D: how the sunshine vitamin benefits your health

Vitamin D is one of the latest nutrients en vogue with researchers. The media is almost daily giving us updates regarding the disease fighting potential of this wonder vitamin. 

We already know that vitamin D is important in building strong bones and teeth but did you know that vitamin D protects the heart and is beneficial in maintaining healthy blood pressure? It also does so much more for us.

Let's take a look at some of the benefits.

Vitamin D-What is it?

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that requires sunlight and skin oils to  be produced.  People on  low-fat diets are often at risk from not absorbing enough of the fat-soluble vitamins (vitamins A, D and E).  Fat is also needed for storage of these nutrients.  

Low fat diets also impact our nerves since they are up to 75 percent fat.  A low-fat diet with low levels of vitamin D can add to nerve damage and other neurological problems.

Vitamin D deficiency disease

Since so many of Americans have a sedentary lifestyle which consists of working in an office and coming home to indoor chores and responsibilities, we are at risk for deficiency of this very important vitamin.  Resarchers have found that people with low levels of vitamin D had a 57 percent higher risk of developing Typ II or adult onset diabetes as this nutrient has an important role in regulating blood sugar.

Vitamin D deficiency disease also can cause depresion and anxiety.  Scientist also speculate that vitamin D3 may stop skin cancer cells from turning malignant.  Vitamin D has also been cited as reducing the chances of a woman developing breast cancer.

Unfortuntely, many medical treatments and medication can contribute to deficiency states.  For example, chronic use of prescription antidepressants cause deficiency of vitamin D. 

Wholesome sources of Vitamin D

The sun is one of the best natural sources of vitamin D.  Try to avoid midday sun though.  Remember also that sunblock interferes with the body's production of this vitamin.  Antioxidant supplements a few days before sun exposure prove beneficial in protecting the skin from the harmful UVA and UVB rays.

Food sources of vitamin D include tuna, salmon and egg yolks.


Freeman, Dian, "Kids, Go Out And Play!"  Natural Awakenings Magazine

Sunday, August 7, 2011

What does Organic mean?

There has been so much advertisement and hype about organic foods that it really is important to understand what this term really means.  Many manufacturers are using this term indiscriminately to inrease profts by appealing to those seeking foods that are free from dangerous chemical contaminants.

What then is organic food and how will it impact the health of your family?

Organic foods

Organic foods are produced using:

1. Agricultural management practices that promote healthy ecosystems and prohibit the use of genetically engineered seeds or crops, sweage, sludge, long-lasting pestcdes, herbicides or fungicides.

2. Livestock management practices that promote healthy, humanely treated animals by providing organically-grown feed, fresh air and outdoor access while using no antibiotics or added growth hormones.

3.  Food processing practices that protect the integrity of the organic product and disallow irradiation, genetically modified ingredients or syntheic preservatives.

Are there standard that must be met?

In 1990 Congress passed the Organic Foods Production Act, which established a set of national regulations to define organic agriculture.  Many groups and individuals worked closely with the USDA and the National Organic Standards Board to form the United States Department of Agriculture Organic Rule which went into effect on October 21, 2002.

Currently, the Organic Rule is working to create cedrtification standards for other products such as textiles, seafood and pet food.


Sunday, July 31, 2011

Four Practical steps to Improve your Health

Americans are becoming an increasingly more health conscious society with more of us getting up off the couch and becoming more active with games such as the Wi, walking, running and going to the gym.  More and more of us are finding that quality of life can really be improved by taking some simple, easy steps. Plus, taking charge of their health gives a feeling of empowerment and this also can help with depression.  All this can be done without the use of prescriptions 

This article will look at four such steps to improve overall health.

Pump down the volume

Did you know that chronic noise pollution of 70 decibels-about the sound of normal street traffic-can raise your heart rate, blood pressure, stress level and risk of heart attack and stroke?  Surprisingly, in a Finnish study, it was found that 80% of women who suffered heart attacks described themselves as being sensitive to noise.  So, it makes sense to try to tone the noise down-where possible.
Take steps such as wearing earplugs or keeping the windows closed to help eliminate some of the sounds.

Take care of your teeth

Bacteria in the mouth such as P.gingivalis can grow in the mouth and can blood vessel damage and clots.  To lessen the likelihood of such bacteria brush at least twice a day, floss daily and eat a carrot after meals which helps eliminate plaque.

Don't take calcium alone

A recent  study (2010) discovered that taking calcium alone can promote calcification of the arteries and increase the risk of heart attack.

Instead, take up to 600 milligrams of calcium along with magnesium 400 milligrams and vitamin D 1,000 IU  for cardiovascular health.

Avoid BPA

BPA is awidely used compound used in food and beverage containers. Study results have shown that this chemical increases the chance of heart disease because they short circuit the cells in the heart which can lead to dangerous arrythmias.

Avoid plastic containers in the microwave and avoid #7 plastics.


Oz, Mehmet, "Keys to a Healthy Heart" "O" Magazine

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Vitamin K and your Health

We all know how important vitamins and nutrients are to our health.  Familiar vitamins such as A, C, E, D and  the spectrum of B vitamins have long been known to play a part in helping maintain optimal body function and health. Scientists also now know that many chronic diseases that plague many may come about as a result of deficiencies of these vital substances.

Of late, there has been research into other vitamins that are also important in helping us to maintain health and vitality.  One such nutrient is vitamin K. 

 Let's learn about the role this vitamin plays in health.

Vitamin K

The "K" in vitamin K comes from Kongulation.  It received this name in the 1930s when European researchers found that this substance was needed for blood to clot properly.

Today, scientists have discovered that the term "vitamin K" actually referes to a family of chemically related molecules. There are three types: Vitamin K1, plant based; K2, bacteria based and Ksynthetically produced .  All types of vitamin K fall into chemical categories of substances called naphtoquinones.  Wtihin this type are two categories:

1. Phylloquinones - Plant based.
2. Menaquinones - Made by bacteria.  The bacteria in our intestines make this form of vitamin K

Most forms of vitamin K that humans take in are plant plased (phylloquinone).  This form of vitamin K is found in a number of foods, especially green leafy veggies such as kale and parsley.

Disease prevention

Researchers now believe that vitamin K provides circulatory benefits beyond clotting response. Inadequate vitamin K levels may make varicose vein development more likely. 

 Vitamin K has shown an ability to protect against diabetes in older men by reducing insulin resistance.  High doses of the vitamin have also been shown to reverse arterial calcification in rats.Other benefits include:

-Protection against liver and prostate cancer.
-Prevent menopausal bone loss.
-Prevention of calcification of arteries
-Prevention of bone fractures

Bone Health

Vitamin K is needed for the creation of proteins that help keep calcium in the bone.  This is essential in the fight against fractures associated with osteoporosis.

Japanese researchers have found that vitamin K supplements strengthened the top of the thighbone-where fractures are most likely to occur in the elderly.

Cooking and daily intake recommendations

Vitamin K is available in bone-support supplements along with calcium, magnesium and vitamin D.

Good food sources of vitamin K include: spinach, brussel sprouts, swiss chard, green beans, peas, asparagus, broccoli and carrots.

Vitamin K is said to be a resilient nutrient and is fairly resitant to loss through cooking and freezing.  Of course, to obtain the most nutrients in foods, cook as little as possible, or serve raw for optimal nutrition.  Also, don't allow the food to sit around since nutrients are lost through aging fruits and vegetables.


James, Lis "The Forgotten Nutrient" "Energy Times"

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Natural Foods that battle Inflammation

omega 3 fatty acidsImage by malloreigh via FlickrSprained ankle, root canal, sports activity, what do you reach for? Advil, Naproxen or Ibuprofen?  That's what many of us do, even though they have the ability to cause other serious problems such as gastric ulcers, upset stomachs and bleeding.

What natural options exist that cut down the swelling and pain of an injury?  Lo and behold, several nutrients can safely battle pain and discomfort without the worries of serious gastrointestinal issues.

This post will examine some of the natural foods that can do the trick.


Bromelain is  an enzyme found in the fruit and stem of the pineapple, which has been found to reduce swelling, bruising and pain.  It does the job best when taken on an empty stomach.  The recommended amount is 500 milligrams in divided doses four time a day.  Just make sure that you advise your PMD that you will be taking alternative anti-inflammatories as this can increase absorption of medications such as antibiotics.


This is another powerful anti-inflammatory.  Curcuminoids are the natural ingredients that helps inflammation so, look for curcumin supplements that are high in them. According to Mary Shackelton, MPH, ND, a practicing naturopath in Boulder, Colorado, in the article "Eating to Heal," " There should be a 70% improvement in swelling and pain within 48 hours, depending on the injury."

Omega-3 fatty acids

Salmon is a great and tasteful anti-inflammatory.  This is because it is high in omega-3 fatty acids.  Omega-3s can be found in fatty fish such as salmon, tuna and mackerel as well as in dark leafy greens, flax seed and certain vegetable oils.

Other helpful nutrients

Make sure you get enough zinc and vitamin D which are both very, about 220 mg of zinc.  If you don't want to take a supplement, just increase the food intake of zinc.  Foods such as oysters (highest amount), red meat and chicken are starters.  Vitamin D is found is mackerel, tuna,  salmon and fish. Also, get plenty of sunshine.

Cut down on a high meta diet as this can contribute to the inflammatory process.

When cooking replace the pro-inflammatory omega-6 vegetable oils such as peanut oil and replace with flax seed oil.  Limit alcohol, sugar, white flour and caffeine which also contribute to inflammation.

Lean proteins are okay when healing from an injury but don't overdo since too much protein can also exacerbate the problems associated with inflammation.

If you have cartilage or ligament damage Dr. Amy Day, ND of San Francisco, in the  "Eating to Heal" article, " Use the bones fro a chicken and simmer it for eight hours to pull out the nutrients."

Sounds like good old tried and true remedies.  Get well soon!


"Eating to Heal"  Linda Malone, "Energy Times" Magazine

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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Choline and anxiety disorders

Many people suffer from anxiety and other psychological disorders that seem to defy treatment.    According to the Anxiety Disorders Association of America,  40 million adults in the US suffer from anxiety disorders, which include generalized anxiety, panic attacks,  and post-traumatic stress syndrome.

Researchers have found that low levels of choline, a B vitamin, have been linked to increased rates of anxiety.

 Choline is a nutrient in the B vitamin family which has been shown to be quite important. Choline plays a role in the transport of fats and fat metabolism.  Choline is also good for the brain.  It has been established that choline is necessary for optimal cognigitive function.  It is also a basic nutrient needed in the production of acetylcholine, a neruotransmitter and important in nerve function.

Norwegian scientists looked at the health records of nearly six thousand men and women who feel into two age groups, 46 to 49 and 7- to 74.  The particvipants' blood choline levels were noted and checked for associated levels of anxiety and depression.  The lowest choline levels were found to be associated with the highest anxiety levels. 

In summary

The findings are very interesting.  It might  be worthile to take a nutritional approach in the treatment of anxiety in stead of a purely drug approach.  By addressing the nutritional deficiencies, it might even be possible to reduce the amount of medication needed to treat anxiety.


"Choline linked with lower Anxiety Levels" Energy Times

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Four natural tips for better Health

Apples are an all-American success story-each ...Image via WikipediaI am so happy to read and share information that involves self-help and doesn't include taking a lot of drugs and artificial things.  So, when I came across this information as to foods that are health promoting, I thought that it would be really great to share it here on the blog.

Following is a list of four natural health tips that you can do for yourself without a doctor's prescription or without worries of medication side effects.

Vitamin E

A Harvard University study found that people who had taken vitamin E supplements regularly for at least five years had a one-third less chance that nonusers to develop amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or Lou Gehrig's disease.

An apple a day

Studies have shown that eating apples might help you live longer.  Researchers at  Chinese University in Hong Kong discovered that apple polyphenols, strong antioxidants, lowered levels of proteins in fruit flies that are markers of debility and death.

In human studies, it was found that women who ate apples reduced their rate of heart disease by up to 22 percent.

Good news for one of God's simple gifts.

Whole grains and Men's Health

A new study presented at an American Heart Association conference showed that guys who ate whole-grain breakfast cereal reduced their risk of high blood pressure by 20 percent.

Another reason to eat fish

Eating fish is a great way to cut the risk of age-related macular degeneration.   (Sigh is high in omega-3 fatty acids).

People who  ate oily fish such as canned tuna or mackerel once a week were 44 percent less likely to develop the condition.


"Good Medicine News and ideas for a Healthy Mind, body and Spirit" Ebony Magazine

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Statin drugs and diabetes

Testing the blood glucose level yourselfImage via Wikipedia
I can't tell you how many times I've triaged patients in the ED and have had to add one or more pages of medications to this already comprehensive form.  Sadly, many times subsequent medical complaints and illness come as a result of a combination of medications that patients are already taking. Cholesterol medications, diabetes and  blood pressure medications top the list of commonly prescribed medications that can cause severe side effects.

I just finished reading a very disturbing article about the association with statin drugs and hyperglycemia, or elevated blood sugar and diabetes.  This blog will summarize the findings regarding the incidence of hyperglycemia and statin use.

Statin drugs

The statin drugs are usually prescribed to lower blood cholesterol and prevent high cholesterol in high risk individuals.   Such drugs include: lipitor, zocor, Lescol, Mevacor, Pravachol and Crestor.  The statins work by blocking an enzyme in the liver which manufactures cholesterol.  This class of drugs is also used to prevent and treat existing high cholesterol in patients that already  have this disorder.

Diabetes and the Statins

Statins invoke diabetes through several different mechanisms.  The most significant is that they increase the insulin levels-which can be detrimental to the health.  While insulin is required to maintain blood glucose levels, elevated insulin causes chronic inflammation in the body. This is the start of chronic disease since inflammation causes a build up of free radicals in the body which weakens the body's defenses.

Chronic insulin elevation is also responsible for high blood pressure, heart attacks, chronic fatigue, thyroid disruption and disease such as Parkinson's Alzheimer's and cancer.  Further, statins increase your diabetes risk by raising your blood sugar.  When you eat a meal that contains starches and sugar, some of the excess sugar goes to the liver where it is stored away as cholesterol and triglycerides.  Statins work by preventing the liver from making cholesterol.  As a result the liver returns the sugar to the bloodstream which causes the blood sugar levels to rise.

Statins are detrimental in that they rob the body of valuable nutrients which also impact the blood sugar levels.  Two nutrients in particular are necesssary to maintain ideal blood glucose levels.  They are vitamin D and CoQ10, which are both important in ideal blood glucose levels.

In Summary

Discuss with your doctor your concerns and see if you are candidate for other treatment of elevated cholesterol such as through diet and exercise.  There are many, many natural substances that will reduce cholesterol such as oatmeal ad other high fiber foods.


"Diabetes and the Statins"

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Friday, July 22, 2011

Irradiation of Foods: what are the health risks?

the international RADURA-logoImage via WikipediaThe FDA has approved of irradiating of foods to destroy dangerous organisms in chicken, eggs, beef, pork, lamb flour, herbs, spices fruit and vegetables.  In contrast, Europe only permits irradiation only for dried herbs, spices and vegetable based seasonings.

Since the FDA allows irradiation much more liberally, questions arise as to the safety of the food and the potential negative impacts on human health.  This blogpost will examine these concerns.

What is Food Irradiation?

Food irradiation can eliminate disease causing microorganisms such as E. Coli 0157:H7, campylobacter and salmonella from foods. 

The FDA has approved this practice since 1963 with the irradiation of wheat flour.  In 1964 white potatoes were irradiated to prevent sprouting, and in 1986, pork was irradiated to eliminate Trichinosis.  The list continues to grow with many meats, fruits, spices, herbs vegetables being added.

How does irradiation work?

Radiation breaks down bonds in the DNA molecules causing defects in the genetic instructions. This causes the organism to eventually die.

What are the reasons for concern?

Critics warn that this process, which uses X rays, gamma rays,  or electron beams, reduces nutrients in the food.  It may also raise the level of carcinogens in the food.

Proponents state that there is no reason for concern and that many bacteria and microorganisms that could cause disease are eliminated.

Bottom line

The bottom line is that irradiated foods carry the above symbol. Each individual and family would want to weigh the risks and benefits and decide accordingly. 


Harrar, Sara "Banned in Europe, Okay here?" "O" Magazine

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Genetically modified foods:what are the health risks?

Detection of genetically modified organismsImage via WikipediaDid you know that approximately 70 percent of the processed foods on American supermarket shelves contain ingredients from genetically modified soy, corn, canola and cottonseed?  This means that foods such as a snack items, baked goods, tomato sauce and breakfast foods all contain genetically modified ingredients as well. With such use comes questions: what are the health risks? What are genetically modified foods?

This post will examine these questions.

What are genetically modified foods?

Genetically modified foods contain ingredients that are genetically engineered so that they are bug,  herbicide and disease resitant. In addition to the list of foods above, also included in this designation are crookneck squash, zucchini and Hawaiian papaya which are all sold in the United States.

According to Michael K. Hansen, PhD, senior scientist with the Consumers Union, a nonprofit independent testing and advocacy group for product safety based in New York, in the article "Banned in Europe, Okay Here?" "These crops are not required to go through a mandatory safety assessment before going on the market."  He further adds. "There are still serious questions about health consequences that can arise when you genetically engineer an organism, then eat it." Now, how good does that make you feel about the food your family consumes?

In Europe, if a food contains more than .9 percent genetically modified ingredient, it must be labeled as such.  In the US, no such mandate exists.

What are the health risks?

Unfortunately, there hasn't been a lot of research available to say for sure but an early example includes a research study from the 1990s when researchers inserted a then not known highly allergenic protein from Brazil nuts into soybeans.  Due to this subsequent discovery, the bean was discarded due to possible severe allergic reactions.

The bottom line appears to be to shop where the food is certified-organic.


Harrar, Sara, "Banned in Europe, Okay Here?" "O" Magazine
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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

How Argan oil benefits your hair

I have been doing a lot of reading on natural hair care products since the start of this blog.  And,  I never cease to be amazed at all of the natural and health and beauty promoting products out there that have been used for women for centuries. (All without chemical preservatives). An example of one is Argon Oil.

Let's take a look at information regarding this beauty oil that has been used by women for centuries.

Argan Oil

Women of Morocco have been using this amazing oil for centuries. It is known world wide for its restorative effect on hair, skin and nails.

Argan oil grows on the Moroccan Argan tree.  It is high in vitamin E, which promotes hair health and growth.  It is also supposed to reduce drying time up to 40-50%.

On the hair, after short use, it reverse the appearance of dry, sull and frizzy hair.  It slao adds luster and softness to the hair without weighing it down or making it appear greasy.  It also detangles and helps prevent splint ends. Anything that helps reduce tangling is helpful to our hair so as to avoid tearing and breaking when hair is wet.

In Summary

Now, to be quite honest, I have not used argan oil yet, but, I have used many of the other healthful oils such as amla, argan oil and olive oil, all of which provide vitamins A and E, antioxidants.  These oils help to promote hair growth by curbing breakage. Hair is also soft, shiny and friz free.

I invite any reader who has used argan to leave a review regarding the product.

Caramel food coloring and your health

Information on a commonly used food coloring has come under the scrutiny of the microscope.  The heated discussion focuses on 4-mei, the ingredient that gives caramel color to soft drinks such as coke and pepsi.

Actually, the controversy is not new, this stuff has been in use for years and questions have been raised in the past regarding its safety . What's disconcerting is the fact that the chemical has been linked to cancer in mice according to a 2008 study. This is recent.  What's happened to the information and results from previous studies that have pointed out the danger of this chemical? Why has it been allowed to remain on the market?

According to one researcher, Michael Jacobson of CSPI, an occasional soda isn't hazardous.  However, like everything else, the more soda you drink, the more danger you face.

One doctor commenting on the study states that it would take 1,000 sodas to face the cancer dangers of the caramel food coloring.  Further, repeated drinking of sodas puts the individual at risk of other more immediate life endangering disease such as diabetes and high cholesterol.  According  to Dr. Lisa Ganjhi, of St. Luke's and Roosevelt Hospital, an individual would face toxicity from the high fructose corn syrup long before imbibing enough soda to get cancer from the food coloring.

Caveat emptor.  Consumers beware.

Cell phone and your health

Everyone is abuzz this week about the latest findings on cellular phone use and brain cells.  It seems that cell phones cause increased brain cell activity which may have adverse effects on health.  No definitive associations with disease have been made, however.

This study has immense interest to all of us what with our fascination with mobile phones.  Cell phone usage stats released by the CTIA's semi annual US wireless industry survey for last half of 2009,  reveal that 91% of Americans are mobile subscribers.  And, on average, these callers used 1.12  trillion minutes of talk time in the same year.  This breaks down to 6.1 billion minutes per day or 21 minutes per person, per day.("Wireless survey:91% of Americans use sell phones"

According to the article "What cell phone use does to brain cells" by Dr. Jay Adlersberg of ABC TV, Dr. Rose Lai, of NY Presbyterian, states that we really don't know what the consequences are when a brief exposure to cell phones occurs.  It has been noted that brain cells do fire more often when lengthy conversations occur. The impact that this finding has on human health is uncertain although it has been speculated that brain tumor growth could be stimulated.  Another disease possibility is epilepsy.  Again, the doctor states that this is not definite.

Dr. Lai does however suggest using earpieces and texting instead of talking.  She closes her remarks in the article by stating that it is not certain how long brain cells remain active nor on effect in young and growing brain. It was reported that conversations over 50 minutes were noted to stimulate the excess brain activity.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

The potential dangers of blood transfusions

I just read a very interesting "Fox News" article from Tuesday, October 9, 2007, entitled, "Study finds stored blood lacks nitric oxide, may trigger heart attack, strokes in recipients"  This is vital information that savvy health care consumers would want to read regarding little known issues involved with accepting a blood transfusion.

Millions of people who have accepted blood transfusions assume that the blood supply is free from contamination by HIV, hepatitis, lyme disease and other blood borne diseases. But there are other issues with blood that have not received as much attention. 

 Let's take a look at this very important substance.

Nitric oxide - how important

According to the report, most of the stored blood given to millions of people lack a component vital for it to deliver oxygen to the tissues.  Nitric oxide, a substance that helps keep blood vessels open, breaks down as soon as the blood goes into storage.  Information published by two research teams in separate studies in Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences bears this out.

Blood vessels relax and constrict to regulate blood flow.  Nitric oxide opens up the blood vessels and allows the red blood cells to deliver oxygen, according to Dr. Jonathan Stamler of Duke University, a research leader.

The second research team led by Dr. Timothy McMahon studied the changes in stored blood over time.  At present,  blood is kept in blood banks up to 42 days.  After this, it must be discarded.  According to Dr. McMahon, nitric oxygen depletion begins within 3 hours.  Researchers have long known about this fact, yet blood has been transfused without this vital substance.  Many heart attacks and strokes have been the results.

To read the entire article, go to the October 9, 2007 article, "Study Finds stored blood lacks nitric oxide, may trigger heart attack, strokes in recipients."

Friday, February 4, 2011

What is the cell saver?

Bloodless medical procedures depend upon the skill of highly trained surgeons, nurses, perfusionists and other supportive personnel. Included in the care of patients undergoing such procedures are machines and  equipment whose use requires highly technical skill  to assure positive patient outcomes after surgery.  One such tool is the cell saver. What is the function of this machine during a bloodlesss procedure?

What is the cell saver?

The cell saver is a machine that collects blood lost through surgery.   There are two types of machines that are used to perform this procedure:

1.RBC (red blood cell) washing type.  This type of machine collects, washes and removes the red blood cells by centrifuge.  It then reinfuses them. 

These RBC wahing devices can also cleanse toxins from the blood.  They also remove platelets and clotting factors (both are important in blood clotting)  These machines are also of variable design and capacity.  They are also more costly but have more positive patient outcomes.

2. Hemofiltration type.  The hemofiltration type just collects blood, filters  and reinfuses it. These machines can return all of the blood elements including the platelets and clotting factors.  The contaminants are also present.

What are indications and contraindications for Cell Saver?
Generally, cell saver use is likely if the blood loss is 1000ml (one liter) or, in the past, 20% of the patient's estimated volume.  Also, if a procedure has  usually required a blood transfusion. A list of some common surgeries where it is used are as follows:

Cardiac - valve replacement.

Orthopedic - major spine surgery.
                     bilateral knee replacement.

Urology - radical retropubic prostatetomy.

Vascular - thoraco abdominal-aortic aneurysm repair.


Blood that has been contaminated with urine, feces, bone fragments or amniotic fluid.


Hematologic disease - sickle cell or thallessemia.

If you are contemplating surgery, talk with your physician or surgeon regarding the possibility of cell saver during the procedure. As individual factors must be taken into consideration.


Freischlag, Julie, "Intraoperative blood salvage in vascular surgery - worth the effort?
Waters, Jonathan H., "Indications and contraindications of cell salvage"

Acai and your cholesterol

With the numbers of younger Americans growing that suffer from high cholesterol, the numbers of those taking the statins for this problem is likely to grow as well. Unfortunately, taking this prescription medication will likely introduce the medication user to many side effects including memory loss and depression to anaphylaxis.  As a result, people are turning to more natural and less drastic methods such as acai.*

What effect does acai have on blood cholesterol?

Acai has been dubbed the "super fruit" from Brazil. The indigenous people have consumed this food for thousands of years and have enjoyed cardiovascular protection.  New to the United States, many are discovering the immeasurable health benefits that acai bestow. One of those is the lowering of cholesterol.

Acai is high in omega 3, 6 and 9 all of which are essential fatty acids (EFA) that help clear the body of
unwanted cholesterol.  Specifically, these EFAs clear the body of the LDL (low density lipoprotein) or "bad" cholesterol that in excessive amounts can clog blood vessels and lead to heart attack, strokes and high blood pressure.  At the same time, they increase the high density lipoproteins (HDL) or "good" cholesterol.

Acai is also full of antioxidants, which battle the effects of free radical damage, thus making it an important weapon in delaying some of the effects of aging and in fighting disease such as diabetes and some forms of cancer.

Acai is also high in beta-sitosterol which also is important in lowering cholesterol . It inhibits its absorption in the small intestine.  Beta sitosterol has also received attention for its use in Europe in prostate and breast cancers.

A cause for concern in obtaining the nutritional benefits of acai has been that the fruit perishes in 24 hours.  However, with modern refrigeration techniques,  most of its beneficial protective properties have been preserved.

*Please note that this article is not intended to dissuade anyone from taking their prescription medication.  Speak to your primary care physician and nutritionist to develop an effective treatment plain if you have high cholesterol.

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What is a Perfusionist?

The medical professionals involved in bloodless surgery programs are many and come from various backgrounds in medical science.  Everyone knows that the teams consist of highly skilled surgeons, nurses, and anesthesiologists.  But who are the less visible, ancillary members of the team whose expertise is in the operation and function of the high tech machinery in the OR? They are none other than perfusionists. These skilled individuals are essential personnel in surgery and especially in bloodless surgery.   Let's take a look at who they are and what they do.

What is a Perfusionist?

A perfusionist is a health care professional who specializes in the operation of of the heart-lung machines in cardio-thoracic surgery. The heart-lung machine keeps the patient alive by pumping oxygenated blood throughout the operation.  The perfusionist also closely monitors the patient's circulatory status and advises the team of any changes. This involves monitoring the oxygen and carbon dioxide for critical changes.

They are also involved in the insertion and operation of (VAD) ventricular assist devices or artificial hearts.  The job of the VAD is to pump blood for the weakened left ventricle, the main pumping chamber which pumps blood to the rest of the body.

The perfusionists may also be involved in other types of surgery as well.

"Bloodless Cardiac Surgery: 'What is a perfusionist, what is his role in bloodless medicine?'

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

New GYN procedure may eliminate the need for hysterectomy and blood transfusions

I just read a really interestng article about a procedure that is being done in Allegheny General Hospital, GYN Division, Pittsburgh, PA. Hopefully, this information may open the door for Jehovah's Witnesses and others seeking to minimize the risk of hysterectomy and blood transfusions.  The Procedure has been dubbed "Bloodless myomectomy."

Women with large sized fibroids and an enlarged uterus are often confronted with  undergoing a hysterectomy (removal of the uterus), due to the fact that a myomectomy (surgical removal of fibroids with the uterus remaining intact) often involves a sizeable blood loss.

At Allegheny General Hospital, GYN Surgeon, Dr. Jan Leski, has been performing a bloodless myomectony which may not necessitate the hysterectomy thus allowing a woman to retain the ability to later birth children albeit by caesarean section.

The surgery

Dr. Leski, isolates and clamps blood vessels to  he reproductive organ to temporarily shut off the blood flow to the area.  He then remove the fibroids and rebuilds the uterus using tissue from the patient's abdominal wall to reduce the formation of adhesions(scar tissue) that could later be a source of bleeding and infection.

This procedure is particularly beneficial when the  uterus has become enlarged due to the fibroids (an enlarged uterus is subject to bleeding  which would then require blood transfusions.)

For more information about this procedure, please visit "An alternative to hysterectomy: A Doctor's Perspective" Look under archives to find the article.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Can minimally invasive surgery help avoid a blood transfusion?

Today, there are increasing numbers of procedures offering new options for those who wish to refrain from blood transfusions.  This article will investigate two procedures:

1. Laparascopic Surgery
2. Robotic Surgery
First, we will take a look at what the benefits are of  minimally invasive surgery.

Benefits of minimally invasive surgery

Minimally invasive surgery offers many benefits in addition to decreasing the need for a blood transfusion:

1. Minimal or no blood loss.
2. Shortens hospital stay dramatically.  Some procedures are even being performed on a "Same Day   Surgery" basis.
3.Less time in the hospital means less hospital acquired infections - a high cause of morbidity.
4. Less time in the hospital also means less possiblity of medication errors.
5.Less surgical trauma to other organs and tissues.
6. Less need for pain medication, which can be a cause of other complications, such as constipation.
7. Smaller scars.

Laparascopic Surgery

Laparascopic surgery is a surgical approach where the surgeon makes several small incisions to the abdomen.  A long, slender camera with a light source in then threaded through the incision.  Surgery is performed through a port inserted into the abdomen.

Robotic Surgery

Robotic surgery (daVinci) offers a minimally invasive option for complex surgical procedures.  Some of the major features are thatthere are smaller incisions, more precision, less blood loss, less pain and quicker discharge.


Uchai, Miro, MD "Minimally invasive surgeryand the bloodless patient"

What is VZig?

Remember the days when everyone got chicken pox? The worst thing that you used to expect (if you were a kid) was to have some scars after your bout with the infection was over.  Now, many adults, and those who are immune compromised, can suffer complications or even death as a result of the disease.  As a result, the CDC has made recommendations  that those who are not immune and at high risk for serious disease.(Keep in mind that many are concerned as well over the safety of the vaccination).

This article will review VZig (Varicella immune globulin), who should get it? And, if it is safe to use for those who wish to refrain from blood.

What is VZig?

The varicella-zoster virus causes chicken pox (varicella) and shingles (herpes zoster). VZig is used primarily by patients at high risk for severe disease who have been recently exposed to the Varicess-zoster virus.

Please note the following detailed excerpt from the website regarding indications for use of the immune globulin.

What are the indications for VAig use?

The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) indicate that the decision to administer VZIG to a person exposed to varicella-zoster virus (VZV) should be based on whether a) the patient lacks evidence of immunity (either by having no evidence of prior infection or by lacking documentation of vaccination), b) the exposure is likely to result in infection, and c) the patient is at increased risk for severe disease and complications compared to the general population.

Both healthy and immunocompromised children and adults who have verified positive histories of varicella (except for bone-marrow transplant recipients) can be considered immune (see evidence of immunity). Persons who have received bone-marrow transplants should be considered non-immune, regardless of prior history of varicella or varicella vaccination in themselves or in their donors. However, bone-marrow recipients who develop varicella or herpes zoster following transplantation should subsequently be considered immune.

VZIG is not indicated for persons who received 2 dose of varicella vaccine and became immunocompromised due to disease or treatment later in life. These persons should be closely monitored, and, if disease develops, treatment with acyclovir should be instituted at the earliest signs or symptoms.

Several types of exposure can place susceptible persons at risk for varicella. Direct contact exposure is defined as more than 1 hour of direct contact with an infectious person while indoors; substantial exposure for hospital contacts consists of sharing the same hospital room with an infectious patient or having prolonged, direct, face-to-face contact with an infectious person (e.g., healthcare workers). Brief contacts with an infectious person (e.g., contact with x-ray technicians or housekeeping personnel) are less likely to result in VZV transmission than are more prolonged contacts.

Persons at greater risk for severe varicella who have contraindications for vaccination and for whom VZIG is recommended include:
  • Immunocompromised persons, including persons who have primary and acquired immunodeficiency disorders, neoplastic diseases, and are receiving immunosuppressive treatment. Patients receiving monthly high-dose immune globulin intravenous (IGIV) (400 mg/kg or greater) are likely to be protected and probably do not require VZIG, if the last dose of IGIV was given less than 3 weeks before exposure (Red Book, American Academy of Pediatrics)
  • Neonates whose mothers have signs and symptoms of varicella from 5 days before to 2 days after delivery
  • Premature neonates exposed to varicella postnatally
    • Those born at or after 28 weeks of gestation whose mothers do not have evidence of immunity should receive VZIG because the infant’s immune system may not be fully functional.
    • Those who are less than 28 weeks gestation or who weigh 1,000g or less at birth should receive VZIG regardless of maternal history because such infants may have not acquired maternal antibodies.
  • Pregnant women without evidence of immunity

Immunoglobulin - a blood fraction?

Those wishing to refrain from blood want to know if immunoglobulins are blood fractions, please note the definition of immunoglobulins:

Immunoglobulin (Ig) is a sterilized solution obtained from pooled human blood plasma, which contains the immunoglobulins (or antibodies) to protect against the infectious agents that cause various diseases. Antibodies are substances in the blood plasma that fight infections. Our bodies create antibodies (or immunity) against disease-causing agents when infections occur. These antibodies can protect us from becoming ill if we are exposed to the same infectious agents sometime in the future. When someone is given IG, that person is using other people's antibodies to help fight off or prevent an illness from occurring. This protection is temporary and should not be confused with getting an immunization, which provides longer-term protection. Special IG formulations are produced from donors with high levels of antibodies against hepatitis B (Hepatitis B Immune Globulin-HBIG), rabies (Rabies Immune Globulin-RIG), tetanus (Tetanus Immune Globulin-TIG) and varicella (chickenpox)(Varicella Zoster Immune Globulin-VZIG). Immunoglobulins are sometimes called gamma globulins or immune serum globulins.

"What sre immunoglobulins?"

So, therefore, immunglobulins are considered blood fractions.  In the case of Jehovah's Witnesses it would be an individual conscious matter if these medications are taken.


"What sre immunoglobulins?"